Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance the product
is a central link in the production process.
In order to meet the requirements of the standard and consumer expectations,
The quality assurance system must go through a process
Certification by a recognized and authorized certification body.
The standardization system is built on the principles of
The international standard ISO 9001.
Certification of compliance with the standard is a basic requirement
For any product approval process
in the national, regional and international arena.
Upgrade to the new edition
We are also skilled in accompanying organizations
In the process of upgrading from the 2008 edition
for the new edition of the ISO 9001:2015 standard.
As of 2018, the new standard came into effect
Hurry up and prepare yourself for the new situation
Contact us and we will assist you in the application,
Implementation and acceptance of the device.
ISO 9001 - 2015
In order to build a quality assurance system
Multidisciplinary knowledge and skill are required
in matters of organization, management, procurement, production processes,
Product testing, statistical methods and more.
We provide consulting, implementation and training services
In preparing quality infrastructures for organizations
Those interested in obtaining ISO 9001-2015 certification.
Contact us and we will guide you in the efficient, short and safe way
to achieve the goal at affordable prices and to your satisfaction.